Stay Healthy Day 26: Use Herbal Remedies

This year, rather than relying on OTC medications if your family gets sick, consider using herbs. They’re inexpensive, fairly easy to obtain, and have few to no side effects — we can’t say the same about OTC or prescription drugs!

But, if you’re new to herbal medicine, you may not know where to begin. Try these 10 herbs to help your family stay healthy this winter.

🌿 Ginger is one of our favorite herbs. You can buy it in any grocery store (seriously, Walmart carries it) and it’s really inexpensive. Even the organic is only $5/lb. and a large piece might cost $2 (that will last weeks). Ginger is anti-inflammatory, it helps colds and sinus infections, general pain, stomach upset, and more. It’s also safe for kids of all ages (even babies), and pregnant and nursing women. It’s an all-round awesome remedy.

🌿 Mullein is often a go-to remedy for us. It’s been said to help with diarrhea, asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, colds, flu, and lots more. For any respiratory infection, use a tea or a tincture made with mullein It can also help with insomnia. It’s fairly safe, including for pregnant/nursing women and children.

🌿 Elderberry is a very popular flu remedy, and for good reason: studies show it can reduce the duration of the flu from 6 – 7 days to only 2 – 3. It’s strongly anti-viral and fights many infections. Many people find it both effective and palatable. It’s safe for kids from around 8 – 12 months

🌿 Peppermint or spearmint are known tummy-soothers. They can also help with headaches, and peppermint may soothe sore throats (peppermint has a high menthol content that can cool the throat, but spearmint doesn’t). It’s also very safe for most. Pregnant or nursing women should be cautious because large doses can present a problem in sensitive women (cause contractions or reduce milk supply), but most women will not have an issue.

🌿 Catnip is one of our favorite herbs. It can help soothe a nervous child — it’s a mild sedative. It can also treat stomach upset, and may be helpful with coughs. It’s recently been shown to be an excellent insect repellent. We use it to help teething babies with great success, and it’s also great for general insomnia.

🌿 This plant is where marshmallow, the candy, originally came from! Today, the candy is made from gelatin and corn syrup, but the marshmallow plant remains in use for humans. The plant is very high in mucilage, which means that it helps to coat the digestive system. This means it is effective for coughs, bronchitis, whooping cough, diarrhea, and more. It also may be used topically, because it is anti-inflammatory, and it may help cuts, scrapes, and infections.

🌿 Turmeric root has gained popularity lately as a strong anti-inflammatory. It’s been shown to fight colds, infections, and even cancer. It’s also been shown to help liver disease, Alzheimer’s, and other chronic illnesses.

🌿 Acerola berries are extremely high in vitamin C. For this reason, it may be beneficial against colds, flu, whooping cough, and other common winter ailments. They’re also strongly anti-inflammatory.

🌿 For years, people have recommended Echinacea as a cold remedy — because it helps. It’s beneficial against colds, flu, bronchitis, UTIs, ear infections, candida, and more. People have used it for almost any infection. It can cause allergic reactions in some, so be careful if your family has allergies to plants/pollen.

🌿 Goldenseal root is a very expensive, rarer herb. It’s bright gold colored, and usually used topically. It’s good for cord care in a newborn baby. It can be used directly on diaper rash as a powder, including yeast or bacterial rashes. It helps get rid of both bacterial and viral infections (topically and internally) and soothes sore throats. Be warned that it’s very powerful, and it makes other herbs more powerful when taken in conjunction.

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Stay Healthy Day 25: Are you drinking enough water?

How many glasses of water would you say you drink in a day? Do you feel it’s enough, or could you do better? 💦💦💦

The human body is made up of between 55 percent and 75 percent water, depending on one’s age. (In infants, water accounts for a higher percentage of body weight compared to in older adults.)

Water is needed for some of the following essential functions:

💦 Electrolyte balance
💦 Nutrient and oxygen transportation
💦 Temperature regulation (although we need to drink plenty of water no matter the temperature outside)
💦 Normalization of blood pressure and stabilization of heartbeats
💦 Removal of waste and bacteria from the body
💦 Digestive processes, including forming stools and producing bowel movements
💦 Repairing muscles and cushioning joints

What are the benefits of drinking water? Here are some of the reasons it should be your main beverage of choice:

  1. Prevents Dehydration
    Drinking water is the No. 1 way to prevent and diminish dehydration symptoms — which can include poor concentration, fatigue, low energy during workouts, headaches, weakness, low blood pressure and dizziness (not to mention hangovers).

By consuming enough fluids, studies suggest you’ll help prevent mood swings, lack of focus and even problems memorizing new information. This has big payoffs when it comes to multiple facets or your life, including when you’re at work, the gym, school, etc.

Elderly adults need to be especially careful about avoiding dehydration, since many older people don’t have a strong sense of thirst — plus some may take medications that can increase fluid loss.

In addition to drinking water, aim to consumer other electrolytes too (magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium) by eating a healthy diet. If you’re an athlete or work out intensely, it’s even more critical to prevent fatigue and dizziness.

  1. Supports Digestion and Detoxification
    When it comes to digestive health, why is it good to drink water? Your kidneys and liver require water to clean your blood, produce urine and help your body to get rid of waste.

Increased water intake can also help prevent development of kidney stones.

You also need to be stay hydrated when sick in order to overcome the illness, since your body needs water to produce snot and phlegm, which are beneficial because they carry white blood cells and germs out of your diet.

When you drink water (and eat fiber), you’re less likely to deal with constipation and diarrhea, which can be worsened in some cases by dehydration. In addition to eating high-fiber foods, up your water intake in order to “keep things moving” and help you stay regular.

  1. Keeps Calorie Intake in Check
    One of the benefits of drinking water over soda, juices and other sugary drinks is that it’s one of the easiest ways to avoid consuming excess calories. Sugary drinks can increase your risk for obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and even some types of cancer, so avoiding them should be one of the first steps you take in order to improve your health.
  2. May Help Control Hunger and Support Weight Loss
    One “mini review” published in the journal Frontiers found evidence from human and animal studies that “increased hydration leads to body weight loss, mainly through a decrease in feeding, and a loss of fat, through increased lipolysis.” In other words, your body may burn more calories when you drink lots of water due to the positive effects it has on your metabolism and possibly energy expenditure.

Water from beverages and foods also takes up room in your stomach and can make you feel fuller. Foods with a high water content tend to be low in calories and often high in volume and fiber. (Think melon, apples, tomatoes and most other fruits and veggies.)

  1. Improves the Appearance of Your Skin, Eyes and Hair
    To make your skin glow, your eyes look brighter and your hair shinier, drink up. Dehydration can lead to bloodshot eyes, dried and lackluster skin, and brittle/weak hair.

Read more here:

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Stay Healthy Day 24: Benefits of apple cider vinegar

Some people are not fans of the smell of vinegar but did you know it is actually really good for you?

I personally like to use it as a salad dressing or in my water with a little lemon juice.

Apple cider vinegar has various healthful properties, including antimicrobial and antioxidant effects. What’s more, evidence suggests it may offer health benefits, such as aiding weight loss, reducing cholesterol, lowering blood sugar levels, and improving the symptoms of diabetes.

Apple cider vinegar has shown great promise in improving insulin sensitivity and helping lower blood sugar responses after meals.

Vinegar can also help kill pathogens, including bacteria. People have traditionally used vinegar for cleaning and disinfecting, treating nail fungus, lice, warts, and ear infections.

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used vinegar to clean wounds more than 2,000 years ago.

Vinegar is also a food preservative, and studies show that it inhibits bacteria like E. coli from growing in and spoiling food.

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Stay Healthy Day 23: What is grounding?

Let’s get grounded!

Grounding or earthing is a therapeutic activity involving certain activities to “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth. Relying on earthing science & grounding physics to explain how electrical charges from the earth can have great effects on your body, grounding can have many many benefits to ones body.

This can be done for inflammation, cardio diseases, muscle damage, chronic pain, & mood. According to one review study, the theory is that the practice affects living matrix, which is the central connector between living cells. Electrical activity exists in this matrix that functions as an immune system defense. This is very similar to antioxidants. It is believed that through grounding, the bodies natural defenses can be restored.

There are several types of grounding such as walking barefoot, lying on the ground, being immersed in water, & using grounding equipment. So get out there and run barefoot, lay under the stars, & jump into that lake.

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31 steps to better health day 1: remove fluoride from water

Good morning friends! 🍶🍳

This month we are going to do something really special and work through a series of 31 posts (one for each day of this month) dedicated to helping you stay healthy.

So, where are we going to begin on this 31 day journey to better health?

We think it’s important to begin with something that everybody consumes (or at least should consume) daily… WATER… but not the fluoridated kind!

But why? Why shouldn’t you consume water that has added fluoride? What’s the big deal? Don’t we need fluoride? Isn’t that what prevents our teeth from decaying?

Well, no. We don’t need it, it doesn’t prevent tooth decay AND there’s actually never been a single study that proves adding fluoride to water has been beneficial or prevented anything… what’s more is that, most other countries do not add this neurotoxin to their water supplies. It’s actually shocking that people in the US drink more fluoridated water than the entire world combined!

Now, it is said that fluoride is the reason why tooth decay has rapidly declined over the past sixty years but the fact is, that just like diseases after the invention of modern day plumbing (prior to modern day vaccination schedules), tooth decay was already declining AND in other developed countries that have still NOT added fluoride to their water (like the UK), tooth decay has still continued to decline in their countries. Explain that!

It’s unsettling that “experts” claim that adding fluoride to water has been thoroughly studied and is safe for human consumption however according to the well-known toxicologist, Dr. John Doull, who chaired the National Academy of Science’s review on fluoride, the safety of fluoridation remains “unsettled” and “we have much less information than we should, considering how long it has been going on. Shocking isn’t it?

What DO we know about fluoride? We know fluoride impacts our brain health and function, as well as fertility, and that it’s associated with Alzheimer’s disease, bladder cancer, disrupted thyroid and endocrine function; plus diabetes and other health problems.

Don’t you think that it should be more closely studied and monitored?

Furthermore, fluoride advocates aren’t assessing how much fluoride exposure is actually safe for people and particularly children and babies – over the long term. Actually, according to a recent national survey by the CDC, about 40% of American teenagers have a condition called dental fluorosis. Fluorosis is a defect of tooth enamel caused by fluoride’s interference with the tooth-forming cells.

During the 1950s, fluoride advocates claimed that fluorosis would only affect 10% of children in fluoridated areas. This prediction has proven false. Today, not only do 40% of American teenagers have fluorosis, but, in some fluoridated areas, the rate is as high as 70 to 80%, with some children suffering advanced forms of the condition…

What’s more troubling is that babies that are formula fed are often given bottled fluoridated water… then they are quickly introduced to fluoridated toothpaste. Who says that is safe? In-fact infants who consume formula made with fluoridated tap water consume up to 700 to 1,200 micrograms of fluoride, or about 100 times more than the recommended amount.

It’s not even just water and toothpaste. Fluoride can be found in teflon pans, processed beverages and foods, some teas and fluorinated pharmaceuticals… so how much exposure is too much? Are long term studies being done?

Fluoride is actually not even approved by the Food and Drug Administration (the FDA) even though fluoride is considered a “medicine” when it’s added to public drinking water…

Find this all interesting? I hope so, it’s incredibly important that we inform ourselves about these things so that we may make the best choice possible for future generations.

You can find more information about this here… Attorney Michael Connett summarizes 10 basic facts about fluoride that should be considered in any discussion about whether to fluoridate water.

And to top it off, here’s 50 more reasons to rethink whether fluoride exposure is a good idea.

One more thing! Wondering how this is all connected to cancer? Well, listen up!

Click to access ca-oehha.2011.pdf

Do you drink fluoridated water? Or, will you be rethinking it after reading this? I want to hear from you and spark important conversation. 🙂

Want even more of this type of content in a community setting? Join my Facebook group, Natural and Holistic Living Mama.

Problems with aluminum in deodorant?

Do me a favor? 🥱

Go get your deodorant and tell me if aluminum is an ingredient. I’d like to talk about that!

Were you aware that some research suggests that deodorants that contain aluminum, which are applied frequently and left on the skin near the breast, may be absorbed by the skin and have effects on the hormone estrogen?

Estrogen can promote the growth of breast cancer cells and some scientists have said that the aluminum-based compounds in antiperspirants could contribute to the development of breast cancer. In addition, it has been suggested that aluminum may have direct activity in breast tissue.

These studies are interesting!

Do you think it’s coincidence that the area in which most women are consistently applying aluminum based deodorants is in the quadrant of the breast that has the highest percentage of cancer growth?

Personally for me, I’d rather just not take the risk, especially when our bodies naturally need to sweat and aluminum blocks that ability – I certainly do not want to be storing toxins in and around my breast tissue, do you?

If you use an aluminum free deodorant do you care to chime in and help the members here to find a good one? What’s your favorite?

This is my favorite.

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Should you take mega doses of supplements?

Supplements are easy enough to come by but unfortunately most of the common vitamins and supplements found at drug stores are synthetic, artificial, dye & sugar filled JUNK.🥴

It’s also unfortunate that the FDA does not review dietary supplements for safety and effectiveness before they are marketed, therefore it’s easy for people to get scammed.

According to the Kresser Institute for Functional and Evolutionary Medicine, “Nearly one-third (31 percent) of the U.S. population is at risk for at least one vitamin deficiency or anemia. 23 percent, 6.3 percent, and 1.7 percent of Americans are at risk of anemia or deficiency of one, two, or three to five vitamins, respectively.”

In-fact a recent study conducted as part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) indicates that U.S. children and adults have high rates of deficiency of vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, and folate, as well as the mineral iron. 😔 ❌💊


So, what is the solution?

Every vitamin and mineral has an ‘agonist’ and an ‘antagonist’ in the body — usually several. When someone takes a regular mega-dose of one nutrient (such as the synthetic junk we just talked about), it causes the body to have high levels of that nutrient, PLUS all of the agonists. It causes deficiencies in all of the antagonists – meaning it doesn’t help our bodies.

For example, calcium and magnesium compete for absorption in the body. Take way too much calcium and it will lead to a magnesium deficiency.

What we really need is balance. That’s the holistic view. No nutrient is more important than another (generally speaking); we need all of them, in the right amounts, to be healthy.🌿🌿

We trust nature, and our own instincts, for this balance. Healthy foods and herbs have what we need, in the right amounts. Mega-dose pills don’t. (Ever notice that your pee turns bright yellow after taking a supplement? That’s all the vitamins you didn’t absorb.)

Trust in nature, it’s always been there for you.

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Is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate safe?

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a very common ingredient in nearly all shampoos, soaps, and even many toothpastes. You can even find it in Angel Food cake mixes. This is the ingredient responsible for the foaming action of the product. But, is it safe?

Until about a year ago, I thought the answer to this was yes. I had not yet done research on this chemical, but just in reading a few comments online, it seemed some people were OK with it and others were not.

When I finally had time to research SLS, I was surprised to learn it was contaminated with 1,4 dioxane.  This is a cancer causing by-product of the ethoxylation process, a process that makes otherwise harsh ingredient gentle. However, because it is not an original ingredient, this by-product is not listed on the ingredient list.

In this article by Dr. Mercola, he further explains the health risk with using SLS, and its cousins Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES, and Ammonium Laurel Sulfate (ALS), citing some of the over 16,000 studies showing toxicity. The Environmental Working Group gives SLS a moderate hazard rating for cancer, organ system toxicity and others. So it’s not the worst, but not the best.

Should you avoid SLS?
Anything you put on your skin is absorbed directly into your bloodstream and goes directly to your organs. It’s also important to note that 1 incidence of using SLS is likely OK, but the cumulative effect is what is worry-some.  While the amount in your shampoo, toothpaste, body wash, hand soap, etc. may be ‘safe’ amounts when used alone, using them all at one time could cause your exposure to jump into the unsafe level zone. But the cumulative effect has never been studied.

We do our best to avoid it in our house due to the cancer link. If you can’t avoid it entirely, limit your exposure by using less of the product containing it. Most people use twice as much soap product as needed.

How to avoid SLS
Read labels! Know what to avoid, as SLS can have other names, including Sodium dodecyl sulfate, Sulfuric acid, Sodium salt sulfuric acid. I use Dr. Bronner’s  bar soap in the shower and make my own foaming hand soap, which also makes a great foaming body wash. For shampoo I am currently using Kiss My Face, Frequent Use which is SLS and paraben free and I love it.

Want even more of this type of content in a community setting? Join my Facebook group, Natural and Holistic Living Mama.

Kiss My Face hair care review
Dioxanes found in popular organic body care products
California Baby product review
Badger Sunscreen product review

Seeking safer packaging to eliminate BPA

According to a new study, not many companies are seeking alternatives to replacing BPA in their packaged foods.

The survey was conducted by sending letters to 20 leading publicly-traded packaged food companies to inquire on the actions they are taking to address concerns over BPA. Fourteen companies responded and the scores were determined based on these responses.

The main findings of the study concluded:

• All companies surveyed use BPA and are taking insufficient steps to move toward alternatives.

• Hain Celestial, Heinz, and Nestlé received the top scores because all three companies are involved in researching and testing of alternatives to BPA and all have plans to phase out the chemical in some products.

• Heinz stands out as a leader as it is the only company surveyed that is currently using an alternative to BPA in some of its can linings.

• Three of the companies that responded to our questions, Del Monte, Hershey, and J.M. Smucker, are not taking action beyond monitoring the industry to identify or implement alternatives to BPA as a packaging material. 

Eden Foods is privately held so was not listed in the surevy, however, all their canned foods are BPA-free with the exception of tomatoes which are too acidic for any BPA alternative.

Green Century Capital Management and As You Sow conducted the study and they provide acceptable alternatives to BPA in food packaging. Read the entire article.

 What can you do?

Arm yourself with information.

Avoid companies who are not doing anything on the BPA issue, and write letters to them letting them know you will not buy from them until they offer BPA free products

Support companies who are moving to alternatives to BPA by purchasing their BPA-free products

If you need canned foods, opt for Eden Foods, which are BPA free (except tomatoes)

Ditch canned foods and opt for fresh or frozen

View my lists of BPA-free cups, dishes, bottles and more

Never microwave plastic as it could still leach BPA

Write your congressmen and encourage them to support the call to ban BPA altogether.

Related Articles
Harmful plastics with BPA
The Real Story Behind BPA
BPA Free bottles, sippy cups and food storage


Safer Sunscreens 2009

It’s that time of year again — planning for beach trips, the pool, biking, or whatever outdoor activities interest you.


Last year, the folks at the Environmental Working Group published a report on the effectiveness of sunscreens. They studied 952 common sunscreens and found 4 out of 5 do not do their job.  Additionally, 53% of sunscreen make claims on the bottle that are simply inaccurate and are terms the FDA has said are unacceptable terms or misleading. 

They also found zinc and titanium based formulas to be the most effective.

What to avoid. Avoid ingredients like those with anything “–paraben” in the name, fragrance (likely contains phthalates), PEG compounds, polyethylene, oxybenzone,  triethanolamine, BHT,  benzyl alcohol, and others. This is not a complete list, just some of the ones you may find. Definitely consult the EWG’s Cosmetic Databse for more information on specific ingredients.

Again, read those labels and remember formulas frequently change!

Here is a little summary on the EWG website, plus their recommended top 10 sunscreens that are safe and effective. They also offer a list of “common brand names” and specifically which product in that line is safe and effective. **A little disclaimer though about the cosmetic database.** I have personally found discrepencies in the ingredients they have listed in their database than what is actually listed on the bottle. This is because formulas change frequently and it’s difficult, if not impossible, to keep up with each and every product. So definitely still consult the databse as a guide, but as always read the labels before you buy!!

EWG’s recommended Top 10 sunscreens (and their hazard rating. Rating is based on level of hazard, 0 being safest, 10 being highest hazard)
1. Keys Soap Solar Rx Therapeutic Sunblock, SPF 30   0
2. Trukid Sunny Days Facestick Mineral Sunscreen UVA/UVB Broad Spectrum, SPF 30+  0
3. California Baby Sunblock Stick No Fragrance, SPF 30+   0
4. Badger Sunscreen, SPF 30       0
5. Marie Veronique Skin Therapy Sun Serum    1
6. Lavera Sunscreen Neutral, SPF 40     1
7. Vanicream Sunscreen, SPF 35      1
8. UV Natural Sunscreen, SPF 30+      1
(there is also a Baby version)
9. Sun Science Sport Formula, SPF 30     1
10. Soleo Organics Sunscreen all natural Sunscreen, SPF 30+  1

From 10 Common Brands (and their hazard rating. Rating is based on level of hazard, 0 being safest, 10 being highest hazard). If more than 1 product is listed for that entire brand’s line, I put the range, so be sure to get the ones specified below)
** Please note, these are safer common brands (meaning easier to find), does not mean they are free of harmful ingredients. Other than California Baby, I would personally NOT recommend any of the below or use these for myself or my family.
1. Blue Lizard anything without oxybenzone    (1-7)
2. California Baby anything with SPF 30+     (0-2)
3. CVS with zinc oxide       (2-7) 
4. Jason Natural Cosmetics Sunbrellas Mineral Based Sunblock  (1-7)
5. Kiss My Face “Paraben Free” series     (2-7)
6. Neutrogena Sensitive Skin Sunblock     (2-7)
7. Olay Defense Daily UV Moisturizer (with zinc)    (2-7)
8. SkinCeuticals Physical UV Defense     (2-3)
9. Solar Sense Clear Zinc for Face      (1-2)
10. Walgreens Zinc Oxide for Face, Nose, & Ears   (1-7)

Personally, I am a HUGE fan of TruKids and California Baby. TruKids is a little less expensive. My husband and I both used it last year during our traditional week at the beach and I use California Baby on my then 2 year old. She enjoyed using the TruKids face stick on all 3 of our faces! None of us got burned, and our relatives who used Bull Frog did get burned.

Related Articles

California Baby Sunscreen: Product Review
TruKid Sunny Days Suncreen: Product Review
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